IRVINE, Calif. -- The world in which car dealers operate is loaded with choices. There are vendors that handle just about every possible scenario at the dealership. In many cases, there are dozens of options for dealers.
This is good and bad. On one hand, it's great to have choices that can keep competition alive and well and allow innovation to thrive. On the other hand, it can be difficult to discern between what's truly effective and what's simply smoke and mirrors.
Dealer Authority, an automotive digital marketing firm, is calling for recommendations for the Top Tier Automotive Partners list. The idea is that dealers and vendors can nominate who they believe is at the echelon of partnership excellence in their respective specialties.
"I always wanted Dealer Authority to be a source of the best services, but also a resource showing the best products that we don't necessarily offer as well," said JD Rucker, Founder of Dealer Authority. "No company can be good at everything, so rather than try to build dealer websites or handle their reputation management ourselves, we'd prefer to recommend other vendors that have the same dedication to quality that we have."
Nominations can come from anyone. A company can even nominate themselves without the self-promotion affecting their chances of being selected. It's all about exposure to a single source rather than broadcasting to the entire industry. In other words, big companies have no advantage over small companies just because they have more clout. On the other hand, big companies who have products that are truly the best will not be excluded simply because they're big.
"I spent a decade on the retail side before coming over to the vendor side," Rucker said. "If I were to go back and run a dealership, which vendors would I hire knowing what I know? That's the question that I want to answer for dealerships across the country."
Nominations are ongoing and companies will be added or removed from the list based upon their current offerings.
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Dealer Authority