Singapore - Today, VeganBurg unwrapped the limited edition Avocado Beetroot Burger, its premium vegan burger is appearing on the menu. Superior from every angle, this saucy burger is a dazzling eye candy of crispy soy patty that is topped with a bed of fresh lettuce, a creamy blend of avocado and beetroot, tomato and onion rings, all on an organic ciabatta bun that will sizzle, surprise and delight taste buds. The avocado beetroot sauce is a sophisticated blend of the two . Available at all VeganBurg outlets at a suggested retail price of $8.90, the Avocado Beetroot Burger reinforces the VeganBurg brand’s commitment to flavorful menu items made with only the finest and premium ingredients. The most anticipated burger is set to be launched on 2 January 2014, just in time for Chinese New Year!
“The Spring Festival is the perfect time to enjoy these fresh and tasty healthier burgers everyone has been looking for,” said Katrina Hossen, VeganBurg’s MarCom Warrior
“Whether enjoying one of our burgers or sidekicks, people are always looking for new and healthy ways to take their meal to a more exciting and satisfying level. We also think avocado and beetroot make terrific additions to our ever-growing list of superb seasonal specials. Not only are avocado and beetroot delicious choices for this season, both offer a wide range of nutritional benefits.” Hossen said.
• Avocado is high in monounsaturated fat – the type that raises good HDL cholesterol and lowers harmful triglycerides without raisingharmful LDL-cholesterol.
• Beetroot is very low in calories (provide only 45 kcal/100 g), and contain zero cholesterol and small amount of fat. Its nutrition benefits come particularly from fiber, vitamins, minerals, and unique plant derived anti-oxidants.
Media Contact
Katrina Hossen
+65 92316384