PHOENIX -- Original lead singer, brilliant arranger and producer of The Persuasions has taken a song composed by Jim Chakedis and Frank Cotolo and added his magic touches. This very catchy tune never mentions Christmas which could certainly be a retailer's dream since it is all inclusive. It leaves the doors open for it to be applied to any retail advertisement, radio or T.V. It can be sliced and diced for any length spot but to hear it in it's entirety is a real treat. Lawson has infused the charming voices of the Chandler Children's Choir of Arizona in addition to a very distinctive voice-over artist, his wife Julie Hurwitz-Lawson. Any astute creative director would want to snatch this song right up for their client such as Wal-Mart, Target, Macy's? Radio should get right on it too. Afterall the agency's start working on next year's Christmas ads in January..
(Lawson's 40 plus year legacy was honored on NBC's The Sing Off in season two and three. Seasons Greetings!
Lawson Productions