LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- PMS Publishing offers the only Pro-Consumer Series of Bankruptcy Books Available Anywhere!
VISIT OUR WEBSITE: http://bankruptcyreferralservice.com/ (http://bankruptcyreferralservice.com/) to learn more!
"Bankruptcy - 10 Mistakes to Avoid" is the only Pro-consumer Bankruptcy Resource Available for anyone even thinking about filing Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, and also discusses the 10 Key Essentials you need to include as part of your bankruptcy fililng as well.
Our Ultimate Bankruptcy Series includes "Bankruptcy - 10 Mistakes to Avoid," “Bankruptcy Bible 2014,” and our latest addition, “Bankruptcy Boot Camp 2014”.
"Bankruptcy - 10 Mistakes to Avoid" is one of our biggest selling books on Kindle and will be available at Discounted Prices on Amazon beginning Monday, Dec 23rd and running through Thursday, Dec 26th! (NOTE: “Bankruptcy - 10 Mistakes” also includes 10 essential elements that every person filing Bankruptcy needs to address.)
FOLLOW THIS LINK: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3...
(NOTE: Even if you don't have a Kindle do not worry because Amazon makes available their special program "Kindle PC" that allows you to read all Kindle books on your PC, and it is FREE also!)
Key areas include; the importance of pre-planning your bankruptcy, choosing the bankruptcy chapter that is best for you, pre-screening your bankruptcy attorney, use of a reliable check list, and everything your creditors hope you don't know about filing your bankruptcy!
The second important part of this book deals with the ten key essentials you will definitely want to include when planning and filing your Bankruptcy.
Key areas include; reporting family income, listing of all creditors, bankruptcy consultations, income tax issues, making cash advances using your credit cards, and information your creditors do not want you to know about!
This Fast Track Bankruptcy Guide is part of the "Ultimate Bankruptcy Series" which provides the reader with critically important information necessary for avoiding the headaches and pitfalls commonly associated with filing Bankruptcy.
By utilizing the information found in this book, along with the tools included in "Bankruptcy Bible 2014" you will have everything you need in order to get the most out of your bankruptcy filing experience.
VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO LEARN MORE: http://bankruptcyreferralservice.com/
“Bankruptcy – 10 Mistakes to Avoid” offers real consumer protection against criminal bankers, politicians, creditor fraud, foreclosure, the IRS and related wage garnishments, liens, and other ponzi-schemes and scammers.
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