SINGAPORE -- The increased burden of clinic administration such as the maintenance of patient medical records, drugs management etc on the doctors and all of medical fraternity has been widely discussed off late. The growing clamor for high standard healthcare services has put further pressure on doctors and hospital administrators to introduce innovative methods to bring down their operating costs of performing such non-core tasks. This has resulted in the implementation of the medical clinic software that has dramatically altered the functioning of clinics and hospitals.
“We believe that it is high time for the medical fraternity to adopt the advanced clinic software for holistically transforming the administration aspect of the medical offices. The innovative features of this medical software such as the electronic medical records system and the drugs management enable the doctors to focus on timely & quality treatment of patients. This software system also contributes immensely to the growth and profitability of the clinics & hospitals,” said the business head of Summit Planners Technology.
The doctor management system software helps the doctors & physicians to maintain the medical records of patients electronically instead of the conventional method of manual maintenance of registers. This way, they not only save time in the retrieval of the data but also secure & safeguard the information from the wear and tear which is often caused to registers resulting in the loss of critical data.
Furthermore, the handling of drugs also forms a vital part of the clinic management( which is why the drugs management module of the doctor management Singapore software becomes so important to doctors. With the help of such software module, the medical practitioners can constantly keep track of the drugs being prescribed and with the automatic alerts of the software the expiring drugs can be detected and discarded in a timely manner.
Summit Planners which is a leading business software provider in Singapore offers such hospital management software at an affordable pricing structure which can be used by the small & medium sized medical offices of the country.
About Summit Planners Technology:
Summit Planners Technology( is a leading software provider in Singapore which offers end-to-end customized software systems to various industry segments of the nation. Its range of technologically advanced software systems include the clinic & doctor management software, CRM software, school management software and the payroll software.
Additionally, the purchasers of these products can avail attractive benefits such as up to 400% tax deductions or up to S$60,000 in cash payouts since the software products of Summit Planners come under the Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) Scheme of Singapore.
Media Enquiries:
Summit Planners Technology Pte Ltd
61 Robinson Road
#15-01 Robinson Centre
Singapore 068893
Summit Planners Technology Pte Ltd
(65) 96697574