The proposed Las Vegas Animal Abuse Registry was rejected by the D.A.’s office on December 3rd, 2013. The registry has previously been considered on state level but was then turned down with one of the reasons being lack of funding. As a result of this a private initiative secured the necessary funding, then next developed a launch-ready registry, which after meetings with the City of Las Vegas, on its last round before going live for the holidays was rejected.
Christian Schoyen, who has been spearheading the efforts to make the registry be a reality said, “We where inspired by Las Vegas Sun’s article on Thursday, June 13th by Riley Snider, titled; “D.A., advocates say animal abuse won’t be tolerated”, which compelled us to develop as well as take on the financial responsibility of the Las Vegas Animal Abuse Registry to help the D.A. and assist in improving the conditions for animals in Clark County.” Schoyen further stated; “This registry was modeled after already existing registries in other cities of the country and was to be a tool strictly for shelters and pet stores in Clark County, for them to be able to check if an animal abuser with a criminal record was attempting to obtain another animal. In effect, the registry would reduce the risks for animals to fall into the wrong hands. The initiative also wanted through the registry to create transparency of the achievements by the D.A.’s office as it would be of public interest to know of how many of the over 5,000 annual reports/calls of animal abuse actually results in prosecution. The D.A.’s decision of offenders being favored over the victims is a big loss for everyone involved in the work with animals in Clark County.”
Las Vegas Animal Abuse Registry (LVAAR) was created in June of 2013 to improve the conditions for animals in Clark County through a private initiative taking on the responsibility of technologically developing, finance and operating the registry. The ADLF (Animal Legal Defense Fund) assisted.
Christian Schoyen
702-442 0222