With such a busy time of the year, small businesses have to prepared to take advantage of the sales increase but also ensure that they are secure for the following year. TDR Connect, an outsource sales company in Dublin city centre suggests a couple of tips to keep on top of the competition.
TDR Connects top tips for Christmas, but also the rest of the year are:
1. Christmas can be used as an excuse to pay late, keep on top of your Debtors. You want to start the new year with this attitude.
2. Christmas is a busy time of the year for everybody so prepare your closing appointments fin plenty of advance before you finish up.
3. Look after your key customers and suppliers, send an email, card or if business is good, a small present with your company name on it.
4. Thank your customers and suppliers for their business over the last year, very important for the following year,
5. Think of your local charity and maybe make a small donation, give something back to your community.
Enjoy the run up to the festive period from all at TDR Connect
TDR Connect