WASHINGTON, DC – The deal the White House made with Iran, giving that country a reprieve from sanctions, is an historic event of potentially “horrific proportions.” It’s on a par with the deal Neville Chamberlain made with Adolph Hitler to appease that megalomaniac before the outbreak of World War ll, conservative activist Dan Weber said.
“The only difference is that the NAZI’s did not have a nuclear weapon,” Weber, who is president of the Association of Mature American Citizens.
Few believe the Iranians will honor their part of the bargain just as Hitler reneged on the Chamberlain accord.
Even one of the president’s closest liberal progressive allies, Sen. Chuck Schumer, voiced profound skepticism: "I am disappointed by the terms of the agreement between Iran and the P5+1 nations because it does not seem proportional. Iran simply freezes its nuclear capabilities while we reduce the sanctions," he said.
And Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, who usually provides the administration with “knee jerk” support on controversial issues such as this one, has acknowledged there is widespread disapproval of the pact. Reid said that members will consider even stronger sanctions for Iran when they get back from their Thanksgiving break next week. “If we need work on this, if we need stronger sanctions, I am sure that we will do that,” he told reporters.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not mince words in expressing his strong disapproval of the agreement: “Today the world has become a much more dangerous place because the most dangerous regime in the world has taken a significant step toward attaining the most dangerous weapon in the world. For the first time, the world’s leading powers have agreed to uranium enrichment in Iran while ignoring the UN Security Council decisions that they themselves led.”
“If Netanyahu was distrustful of President Obama before, his lack of confidence must be at an all-time low by now,” Weber commented. “But then, the president has been taking hits from all sides regarding his credibility lately.
Earlier this week, CNN released a new poll showing that the majority of Americans think he’s not managing the government effectively and that he is not very ‘honest’ or ‘trustworthy,” the AMAC chief pointed out.
In releasing the survey results, CNN’s Polling Director Keating Holland said: "A lot of attention has focused on the president's numbers on honesty in new polling the past three weeks, but it looks like the recent controversy over Obamacare has had a bigger impact on his status as an effective manager of the government, and that may be what is really driving the drop in Obama's approval rating this fall.”
NOTE TO EDITORS: Dan Weber is available for telephone interviews on this issue. Editors and reporters may contact John Grimaldi by phone at 917-846-8485 or via email at jpgrimaldi@verizon.net to set up a call.
The Association of Mature American Citizens [http://www.amac.us] is a vibrant, vital and conservative alternative to those organizations, such as AARP, that dominate the choices for mature Americans who want a say in the future of the nation. Where those other organizations may boast of their power to set the agendas for their memberships, AMAC takes its marching orders from its members. We act and speak on their behalf, protecting their interests, and offering a conservative insight on how to best solve the problems they face today. Live long and make a difference by joining us today at http://amac.us/join-amac.
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