LIVONIA, Mich. -- Stay off the cliff. Your company will eventually walk off a cliff if you do everything the same way, year in and year out. Change. Create Atmosphere. Incentivize.
Tom Palka, Certified Financial Planner practitioner since 1993 and the recipient of “Financial Planner of the Year” in 1996 by Mariner Planning Corporation, recently published an article about Innovative Leadership in MetaOps Magazine, ( The article, "Cliff Kill - Framework Your Company's Growth Path", talks about staying off the cliff and describes the three ways leaders can do it.
About Tom Palka
Tom Palka is a Wayne State University graduate, with a B.S. in Investment Finance. He has been in the Financial Services business since 1987. He began his career giving advice to Ford Motor Company employees concerning benefit decisions. Tom has also been a Certified Financial Planner practitioner since 1993. His excellent research and work in this field won him “Financial Planner of the Year” in 1996 by Mariner Planning Corporation. Tom was a full partner with a registered investment advisory firm for 12 years.
About MetaOps, Inc.
MetaOps, Inc. helps companies increase their market share and profit through PeopleCentrix™ approach. The company's team of world-class experts brings an extensive toolkit that helps management see problems and opportunities while teaching staff how to make dramatic improvements and drive sustainable improvement. Learn how to transform your own organization, boosting efficiency, and increasing market share, by visiting MetaOps ( on the web.
Kim Crabtree