Salem, OR - Compumatrix President and CEO, David Morris has declared Tuesday, November 12, 2013 from 12 noon to 12 midnight Eastern Standard Time as a global time for prayer, reflection and support for those affected by Typhoon Haiyan (also known as typhoon Yolanda) in the Philippines.
During the specified time, the global Compumatrix community shall pray for all the victims of the typhoon.
Compumatrix Founder, Henry James Banayat, has also donated in behalf of the company an undisclosed amount to the Philippine National Red Cross through the online facility of the Bank of the Philippine Islands and have encouraged members to do their part by sharing and encouraging others to donate or repost campaigns being conducted by major Philippine TV Networks among all social media channels.
Several Directors and Staff of Compumatrix have also been participating in their own communities on fund raising efforts and sending donations in-kind such as food and clothing.
Ms. Paula Battle, Regional Manager of Australia, also sent a message to Australian Members for them to take a time to think of ways as individuals to be able to help brothers and sisters in the Philippines.
Compumatrix and Networks International, Inc.