Prettytailor adjusted its seo styles towarding google in a more smoother curve

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Prettytailor adjusted its seo styles towarding google in a more smoother curve

Based on the internet theory and site marketing theory, together with sights into google algos theory , its currents and its evolution history ,( Since all these theories are transparent enough for one to master) a workable profile for an initial money site to grow up should turned out to be not a big difficulty, but it always proved not so easy to actually maintenance a real site like , careful attentions should extraordinary be paid to keep to form a smooth life cycle curve in small growing up steps for it, ya, its much easy to driver a site up than just maintaining it, to illustrate on this, let us firstly focus on prettytailor :

As one of the newly grown-ups ,pretytailor mostly closely meet those below issues in seemingly matched steps ( for not to be punished at initial, for gaining more advantages with those competors ):

1, Insite optimize is really a important job for a seoer to target at the 1st life cycle of all in a new site’s growing up, the job should be prepared carefully in advance being end up with succeeding build up a set of perfect enough stock for latter real sale and outsite link building process seo use. Like evenly placing links in simple, clear, well structed tdk hierarchies, rightly establishing your brands names and keywords nichts. link could be two way or one way, keywords cant be hiden from google bot in html frameworks or unreachable rich content pages like flash.

1,. After the 1st insite optimize cycle being done, To harvest the base pr from n/a to 0 is necessary. Ways can be that to build sns accounts to broad your site contents or large amounts 3rd party content-sharing sites like pinterest ( they don't bring in much bad influence even when you followed wrong policies or sth on page or others )

3,when doing backlinks building after pr being leveled up to 0, (when it's the main job most of the time currently) try avoiding the error phones , like always bring the useful backlink urls to the target money site domains, So if you maintains more than 1 sites, you must carefully deal with the domain conflicts such as www as prefix or without it differs too much, one is site which cant treated as independent entry in google index view, one is sub category while the other as a site's insite link system, if you simultaneously has both in google db indexed ever, you should judge how much an domain should eat your backlinks. At the sametime post tags and page keywords should be arranged properly too.

4,much more should be to taken to enhance this ,always remember to focus on tracking the algo changes, seo and smo is integrated recently years into one , when facing a algo change, ,always remember the current main stream,and that is the seo>smo,before you have a enough big sns accounts like face to counteract the effects of seo,always one should know that the site marketing essential happens mainly on seo,when there is a change,its always the mods on facades, but not the essentials cause google lives relying on it.

more could be found at selectively view


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