NEW YORK -- Got social media? A California social media marketing firm says they do, and now the offering of Discount Trade Marketing & Advertising® free for 30 days. Autologic Marketing Groups new social media platform Discount Trade Marketing & Advertising® is driving new customers to products and services on the internet. Now social media marketing will be a expense in all businesses marketing budget. According to Autologic Large and small companies will compete on a level playing field in the social world, that remains to be seen. Social media marketing will expand and become a growth point in the web itself. All of us have been relegated to banner ads and pop ups for the last ten years on the internet and most of us want a change. Companies without a social media presence will fall behind in the race to consumer dollars as Social Media becomes a worldwide pastime. Now you can know what your friends buy online and how they like it before you buy it yourself. Sounds like a winning recipe for the next name brand website? Now what happens next we can all LIKE on our Facebook home page.
Autologic Marketing Group is a Social Media and Advertising firm based in California. For contact infromation:
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