Solvang, CA- Domestic Violence is the leading injury to women between the ages of 15 and 44 in America, more than auto accidents, muggings and rapes combined. Between three and four million women are beaten in their homes each year by partners. According to storybook author, Uwanda Parks, her campaign at is to raise money to print 1,000 of her book for single mothers with children who will be celebrating the holiday in one of 1500 women shelters in the United States.
The Jonnie Bray character and story were created by, author and marketing consultant, Robert Charles who was searching for a holiday book for children. At the same time, author Uwanda Parks was looking for a new project after her book “Messy Marvin.” They met accidentally via the Internet when Uwanda Parks wanted to express her appreciation for the book “The Theory of SWAG: A Young Woman’s Guide to Success & Wealth” authored by Charles. “His book resonated with me in redirecting my life after a series of bad decisions in my life. I believe writing children’s books give me a peace and purpose.”
According to Robert Charles, “It was just organic from the onset Uwanda was lost after writing “Messy Marvin” and searching for something new. I shared my compassion for the children in poverty-stricken Haiti and I wanted a storybook that an adult could share with a child. The core of the book was that to exist in such poverty the one belief children hold onto for life is Hope. Uwanda and I started to collaborate and Jonnie Bray was written within a few weeks—it just flowed. “
According to Parks, “Robert’s work is magical—his network of professionals is impressive—it’s like watching an orchestra leader guide hundreds of musicians in a symphony—he brought in Cristina Pecherle from Romania to do the illustrations, Keith Tarrier in Japan for the book layout, Dale Crowley composed the music for the video and Jun did the editing, both from the U.S., and Loes van Horn from the Netherlands did the narration. I was just overwhelmed to have these wonderful people behind the book.” Says Uwanda.
Jonnie Bray’s First Christmas is now available on for $6.95. People interested in donating to the fundraiser, from $1 to $100, with donation rewards as a thank you, can find the fundraiser link at
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Faye Knapp
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