RALEIGH, N.C. -- Julia Payne asks, “Do balancing poses instantaneously cause an adverse reaction in your mind? I have been working in a rehab setting for 7 years, with folks who are recovering from work related injuries, or who have major health problems, like Parkinson’s, MS or Fibromyalgia. Others are simply out of shape, or are elderly and have lost a lot of strength and coordination due to inactivity. Balancing poses are a serious challenge for them, and most of them wonder if they will ever be able to accomplish one. However, regaining and/or maintaining balance is critical to our safety and independence. Think: stepping off a curb into traffic, or walking down stairs with groceries. “
Payne continued, “Here are some ideas on how to improve your balancing act.
1. Practice your balancing poses off your mat, preferably on a hard surface. But don’t worry if you only have carpet available, because having to work your ankle and foot muscles a little bit will be to your advantage in the long run! It’s just easier to begin on a hard surface.
2. Stand facing a wall, preferably with a nice picture to look at. Stand within arms reach. Find something small to focus on in the picture or in the surface of the wall. Having the wall there in front of you and just knowing you can reach out and touch it if necessary, seems to give the primitive brain more security than having the wall beside or behind you.
3. Start with a very simple balance pose. Hold your hands forward as though you are holding a tray, tucking the elbows against the waist…again for a feeling of safety. Then raise one foot just slightly off the floor. Stare intently at your spot on the wall. Breathe deeply and regularly and count slowly. The counting seems to occupy the judging brain, which in my experience is the culprit in losing a balancing pose. Just try it. The very second you start thinking about anything at all, there goes the pose. If you find your mind wandering (or judging your performance!), just say to yourself, “Here I am, just breathing and balancing.)
4. Over time, progress to holding your hands in anjali mudra, and eventually working towards tree pose.
5. You might also try balancing half-moon at the wall; that is, with your back to the wall. It looks like it will be difficult, and yet it is not. The wall allows you to explore the spinal rotation necessary for this pose, and not have to concentrate on balance. Practicing this pose usually gets folks wondering what else is possible in their lives that they haven’t imagined they could do.”
Host Julie Seibert remarked, “Julia helped my father heal from the effects of cancer and hip surgery. My father is not one who is very spiritual, but he saw the amazing effects of working with Julia and how it transformed his life. He wants to share with people the power of using yoga to heal.” You can find more information about Julia Payne here: http://www.wellness.com/dir/1529278/yoga-teacher/wv/wheel...
To watch and/or listen to the interview, please visit: http://www.reawakenyourbrilliance.com/ All shows are archived as well as available on You Tube and formatted into spiritual podcasts. Reawaken Your Brilliance guests include Dr. Bruce Litpon, Peter Walsh, The Fly Lady, Vincent Genna, Geralin Thomas and many more! To see past, present and future shows, please visit: http://www.reawakenyourbrilliance.com/events/
Julie Seibert can be reached at 919-559-3925 or Julie@reawakenyourbrilliance.com
About Julia Payne
Julia Payne has been practicing Yoga since 1988. She is a Professional Level Kripalu Yoga teacher, with 14 years & over 5000 hours of teaching experience. She also holds a Professional Level Yoga Therapist certificate from Joseph LePage’s Integrative Yoga Therapy program. She is a member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists & is a Registered Nurse and Level 2 EFT practitioner.
She teaches Yoga classes and practices Yoga Therapy in Wheeling WV.
About Reawaken Your Brilliance
Reawaken Your Brilliance is a free weekly internet TV and radio show based in Raleigh, NC, that airs Wednesdays 9-10 PM EST. The internet TV and spiritual radio show features body, mind and spirit experts who show you alternatives for personal growth and spiritual development. Host Julie Seibert talks with a variety of personal development experts. Guests include The Fly Lady, Peter Walsh, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Sunny Dawn Johnston and Angela Beyer Coulter.