WEST VALLEY CITY, Utah -- Looking to share your inspiration or to see what other Pagans and Wiccans have been inspired to do Wicca13Productions is a new company that is there to help you do that, with out charging you an arm and a leg and you still get to keep your broom, I give you my promise 100% and i Swear it in the name of the Lady and Lord my name is Rev. Mark Welch and I am 100% pagan and Wicca13Productions is here to help in any way we can, we will never try to change your Ideas it is your insperation and nobody knows it better than you.
Wicca13Productions wants to give all pagans the opertunity to learn all they can and to be able to see what else is out there all the pagans in the world are part of a vast family of healers, nuturers, and energy user. the point being most of us are out to help other and to try and heal our vast world that we call our mother but one of the problems is there are far to many broken links for all of us to understand what we wish to be part of, so let us all be part of the bigger picture.