Musicians can use TrakVan to market music directly to their listeners through the site or their Facebook pages. Recording artists can use a free online music player and the easy-to-use website-building tools at TrakVan to create an online presence and reach a wider audience for their musical works. Artists can upload songs and sell them through the site’s Mp3 music store to earn more money while learning which ones are the most popular among their growing fan base.
For each song or CD they want to promote, artists can upload supporting photos and artwork to help market their musical works. There are no limits on how many websites artists can create to promote a song or an entire CD online, and the music player is compatible with their Facebook pages.
Instead of relying on business managers and demanding recording contracts, artists can use the site to “sell my music,” which leaves them free to focus on their art. Musicians and indie artists can use TrakVan to post their songs and other works online and earn money as fans pay for downloads through the site’s online Mp3 music store. They also can use the music player to simply let people hear their music instead of selling songs and CDs.
Artists pay no fees to upload music to the online music player, which comes with a removable “buy button” to sell music. Instead, they only pay a transactional fee whenever TrakVan processes online music sales. That makes it much easier for an artist to “sell my music” while building a dedicated audience.
For more details kindly visit and previous press release http://../12207180-trakvan-releases-music-player-online-t...