RTF to HTML .Net Library 4.0: Converting to HTML5 Documents for Developers

The need to convert documents between different formats known for a long time. A lot of companies are trying to shift for oneself, but convenient and easier is to transfer these functions to a third-party component. This technique allows to significantly optimize costs and development time. One of the most sought-after destinations is converting RTF to HTML, because HTML is the most popular and demanded format for now.

SautinSoft, an internet-driven independent software developer, has recently released new version 4.0 of their RTF to HTML .Net library (http://www.sautinsoft.com/convert-rtf-to-html/rtf-to-html...). This component enables to convert RTF documents into HTML5 format, which completely compatible with w3.org (Markup Validation Service). The first point of interest, that the new version has accelerated core engine which converts to HTML5 much faster. Often, converting to HTML5 is the only possible solution to display information on any device. HTML format supported by all devices from smart phones to computers. Further, the new version can be easily integrated with Windows 8.1 and Linux Debian Server.

Another interesting feature, is new ability to generate HTML documents with images nested inside with help of Base64 algorithm. Given this fact, it´s possible to convert RTF to HTML completely in memory. Thus, the component can work at server-side without any access to HDD that extremely important for server security.

On a related note, to use the component RTF to HTML.Net not need to install MS Office or other word processors. It is a fully independent component that easily converts any Text or RTF document into a formatted HTML document with CSS styles. First and foremost, the library significantly simplifies creating of HTML documents from RTF and Text for .Net developers. It reduces the tens of thousands of lines of code that are necessary for a developer (e.g. to convert RTF to HTML in c#) to 2-3 lines.

Prices for the developer license for RTF to HTML .Net begin at $239(US). The license never expires, and includes 12 months of updates. There are no royalty fees for the use of RTF to HTML .Net. Extremely important that SautinSoft offers a free technical support and consultation about integration RTF to HTML .Net to various software types by online-chat, email, phone, and Skype.

SautinSoft has provided a free evaluation license for new users who wish to experiment with RTF to HTML .Net before purchasing a developer, site, or server license.

The library requires only .Net 2.0 or higher, and can be used in C#, VB.Net, and Delphi.Net, as well as ASP.Net, WPF, WinForms, Silverlight and runs on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms on Windows, Linux (Mono-project), Android and Mac.
RTF to HTML .Net 4.0 has been designed to be completely compatible with Windows 8, and is written in Visual Studio 2012 and compiled against .Net 4.5. Further details are available on their website at http://www.sautinsoft.com/convert-rtf-to-html/rtf-to-html-component-asp.net.php.


Product page link: http://www.sautinsoft.com/convert-rtf-to-html/rtf-to-html-component-asp.net.php.
Download link: http://www.sautinsoft.com/components/rtftohtml_dll_net.zip

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