Make Your Ex Boyfriend Jealous - How To

You want to make your ex boyfriend jealous but you have no idea how to go about it. You have heard advice from friends about dating his mates or parading a new love interest around him, but somehow it just doesn't sit right with you. You want to incite a reaction from him but the last thing that you want to do is to make him think that you are a spiteful bitch.

You would be right to air on the side of caution here. Jealousy is a very dangerous tool when in the wrong hands or when used without much planning. The traditional methods of jealousy just don't work either. This is because they are way too obvious and have been used too much throughout history by jilted lovers. If you want to make him jealous you will have to come up with better ways of doing it. He will be onto you and realise what you are up to if you don't.

Why Jealousy Works

Jealousy is a very effective tool to use on your ex boyfriend to provoke a reaction and to make him sit up and take notice. That is why it is so popular amongst the broken hearted. However, jealousy will only work if you know how to use it correctly. Dashing in feet first without planning your moves will only mean one thing. It will leave you looking foolish, nasty and pathetic because it will be so obvious to your ex boyfriend and those around you.

If you can manage to get your ex boyfriend to feel jealous it will often be a huge wake up call to him and spark those old feelings that he once had for you. This is because it creates a sense of panic in him. For the first time he sees you in a different light, he realises that there is a very real chance that he could lose you for good. If he thinks that you are moving on it could jolt him into action. It elicits a strong emotional response from him and for this reason it is much more effective than appealing to him via love letters or pleading.

It may seem as if your ex boyfriend isn't interested in you at all anymore. You probably think that it will be impossible to elicit any sentiments of anger or jealousy from him. If you do things correctly you WILL be able to achieve this. It takes planning, patience and insight into the male psyche. Get it right and you will be able to reignite these feelings again and make him remember what he has lost. This is what you need to learn now.

Make Him Jealous By Regaining Control Of Your Life

This is a very subtle tactic but nevertheless an effective one. If you want to make your ex boyfriend jealous you should pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get on with your life, or at least pretend to. You can fall to pieces at home, but you need to be able to put on a brave face in front of your ex boyfriend or out in public. Throw yourself into new hobbies, get your social life back on track, go out with the girls and try to keep yourself busy as much as possible.

Your ex boyfriend's reaction to this will be kind of surprising. He will have no idea that you are trying to make him jealous here and this is why it works so well. He will start to wish he was part of your life again and be envious of what you are getting up to. He will suddenly start to question if you were happy with him now that you seem to have a new lease of life. This should make him sit up and take notice. Maybe he will start to resent the fact that he is not with you and you are the one that seems to be dealing with the break up better than he is.

Make Him Jealous Through Facebook

By the same token, you can allude to the fact that you are happy and enjoying life through Facebook. Let's face it, he has an ego the size of planet Pluto. He expects you to be curled up inside lamenting his absence. He assumes that you are watching reruns of romantic comedies whilst blubbering into wads of tissues. Even if you are, you need to pretend that you aren't. Facebook is a brilliant tool to achieve this.

You have to be careful here though, you should not exaggerate or go over the top with exclamations of how good your life now is. This will be obvious to him and he will know that you are doing it for his benefit, thus blowing up in your face. Be subtle here. Get your friends to tag you in pics of you out having fun. That way he knows that you aren't responsible for posting the pics. The more aloof and mysterious you can be, the more he will start to wonder about you and his mind will go into overdrive. He will assume that you are seeing someone else or at least ready to jump back into the dating game. This will make him experience jealousy.

Your Next Steps - Do You Want Him Back

If you want to make your ex boyfriend jealous you must still have feelings for him, otherwise you wouldn't bother. If your ex boyfriend starts to exhibit jealousy then you can be sure that he still has feelings for you too. To be sure though you need to be able to spot other signs he still likes you. The link below will teach you what to look out for.

Use Facebook To Make Him Jealous And Make Him Want You

There are loads more techniques that you should be using on Facebook to get your ex boyfriend jealous and simultaneously want you. Find out what they are by clicking the link below.

How To Make Him Miss You

He will never come back to you unless he misses you first. This is a huge step in getting him back. Learn exactly how to use male psychology to your advantage by making him miss you like crazy. The link below explains all.

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