WSE Technologies is moving Canada forward. The solar company has developed an In’Flector product that may be customized or retrofitted to help businesses and residences improve indoor temperature while saving money. In’Flector significantly reduces the amount of UV rays from entering a living or work space 365 days of the year. Additionally, the solar product reduces the sun’s glare while also offering crystal-clear window transparency. The product may be applied to traditional, over-sized and skylight windows. More information can be found by clicking here:
“In’Flector reduces heat gain in the summer and keeps an environment warm in the winter. The produce acts like a coin, using two very different sides to serve one purpose- temperature control. One side prevents heat from escaping and the other side prevents heat from entering,” said Larry Fedoruk, President. “There is never a loss in visibility. In’Flector also arrives with a 100% money-back guarantee.”
The In’Flector product is already receiving praise from the National Defence Medical Centre. The Centre said “the panel is intended to reduce building energy costs”- and it did. The National Defence Medical Centre went on to cite an independent consulting team’s conclusion on the effectiveness of In’Flector. The results, which were glowing, are noted in a public letter from the National Defence Medical Center.
“Businesses and residences within Canada will benefit from In’Flector in many ways. First, the indoor environment is more pleasant year-round. Second, heating and cooling costs will be reduced. Third, the reduction in UV rays entering the home may prevent skin cancer and other skin damage from occurring,” finished Fedoruk.
Members of the media are encouraged to contact Larry Fedoruk for a sample of the product and to talk about how WSE Technologies is improving Canada’s landscape by offering forward-thinking and affordable solar products.
Media Contact:
Larry Fedoruk, President