LONDON, U.K. -- SoftwareStats has released a new software analytics solution which allows .NET desktop developers to track their applications from anywhere in the world. The service provides developers with advanced statistics about how and where their software is used, for example how many people have used the application on a given day, what features have been used the most and where their users have clicked.
"SoftwareStats is an invaluable tool for .NET developers to enhance their business potential. Our service collects concrete data which developers can use in a practical way to improve their software," said Anthony Daly, founder of SoftwareStats. "We provide a web application with rich visualizations of statistical data which updates in real-time as your application is run. We have used our expertise to create an easy-to-use, yet powerful system, which puts .NET developers at an advantage."
User location tracking, available through an interactive world map on the SoftwareStats Dashboard, shows exactly where in the world an application is being used, with ranking of countries according to the number of users in that location. User location tracking helps developers in a variety of ways; localization is easier as developers know exactly where their users are, which in turn increases sales as an application can be targeted to specific countries.
A special feature of SoftwareStats is its ability to export statistics to many common formats: CSV, TSV, PDF, HTML, PNG and XLSX. The export feature is built into the charts themselves, so there is no need for developers to navigate away from their dashboard. All charts and graphs in SoftwareStats can be exported, with identical formatting used in the PDF report and HTML file, ensuring that all the information gathered is presented in a consistent manner. Exported data can be imported into other programs for further editing and calculations, for example, the XLSX file can be opened directly in Excel from the Microsoft Office suite of applications.
For peace of mind, SoftwareStats offers an Event Log feature as a way for developers to not have the worry of requesting that their users send them error reports when something goes wrong in their application. The event log is integrated with the application monitor - when an error occurs, it is sent automatically to the event log for viewing from the SoftwareStats Dashboard. Developers can also log their own events, and create multiple logs. Events that cause the application to close, such as unhandled exceptions, are also counted as 'Abnormal Terminations', which are presented graphically as an application statistic.
SoftwareStats is designed to integrate easily into existing .NET desktop applications – the developer is provided with sample code and a help file to get started. They can then login to their SoftwareStats Dashboard to view the statistics collected from their application, with a date range selection control allowing them to view statistics in a specific period. A 7-day free trial is offered from SoftwareStats' website, a great opportunity for developers to try out the service with their own application before purchasing a subscription.
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