World Pedorthics Day Founded by CCP President; Dr Shahin Pourgol

TORONTO, Canada -- Dr Shahin Pourgol, president of the Canadian College of Pedorthics (founded in Toronto, Ontario) has chosen October 26th as the World Pedorthics Day.

To celebrate the World Pedorthics Day, Canadian College of Pedorthics (CCP) is offering $10,000 in scholarships to ten manual osteopaths to study pedorthics in order to become certified pedorthists.

As well, the CCP is approaching the Canadian parliament to officially recognize October 26th as the World Pedorthics Day.

Canadian College of Pedorthics offers a postgraduate diploma program in pedorthics to licensed health professionals such as osteopaths, certified athletic therapists, chiropractors, kinesiologists, registered massage therapists, registered nurses, naturopaths, occupational therapists, acupuncturists, physicians, and physiotherapists.

CCP graduates are permitted to apply for membership to the College of Certified Pedorthists of Ontario (CCPO) and upon successful passing of its board exams, they are permitted to use the title "Certified Pedorthist".

Pedorthics is one of the three foot care professions (podiatry and chiropody are the other two) that is accepted by Canadian extended health plan insurers for reimbursement of dispensed custom made foot orthotics, orthoses and orthopaedic shoes and footwear.

  • Issue by:Canadian College of Pedorthics
  • Web:http://
  • City:Toronto - Ontario - Canada
  • Telephone:4166356550
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