Drishti, a leading Contact Center Solutions provider, announced today that Telerain, an upcoming contact center in the Philippines, boosted their operational efficiency by using AMEYO. Telerain had challenges with multi-site operation and required a solution that centralized control for effective operation. The AMEYO solution provided the requisite architecture to consolidate all operations and improved overall productivity.
Telerain needed the solution to improve their quality monitoring as well. Their open source solution was not flexible in addressing their specific business requirements. AMEYO helped generate accurate and customizable reports, implemented an efficient multi-site architecture, and centralized control.
Sameer Bhagat, Director of Technology, Telerain said, “Telerain has clients all over the world and increasing our efficiency would help us service customers better. We chose AMEYO over the limitations of the open source solution as AMEYO is reliable, flexible, and robust. The accurate reports helped us monitor agent productivity and tracked business goals and key metrics.”
Telerain implemented the AMEYO inbound Solution Suite with features like IVR, ACD, Voice Logger, and a reporting designing tool. The solution provided Telerain with intelligent call routing, conversation recordings for agent monitoring, and customized reports for quality analysis. AMEYO also integrated voice mail and provided customizable columns in CRM. The solution acted as the central setup to manage multi-site operations. In addition, the improved efficiency led to lower TCO (total cost of ownership) for Telerain.
AMEYO is the flagship solution from Drishti for complete CIM (Customer Interaction Management). It has been designed to add value to the businesses and pave way for a structured growth. AMEYO customers enjoy significant increase in efficiency levels, reduction in operational costs, flexibility, consistent user experience, and a demonstrable ROI.
AMEYO is an all-in-one communication suite for Contact Centers and Enterprises offering next-generation information and communications management capabilities including ACD, CTI, CRM, IVR, Predictive Dialer, Voice Logger, Multimedia Communication, Social Media Helpdesk, Unified Presence, Sales Management, Customer Care, Real-time Analytics and Reporting. The SOA and MDA-based platform allows easy creation of new capabilities for communications-centric enterprises as they grow with respect to their process and workflow requirements. AMEYO has been heralded for its innovative capabilities, more recently winning IP Contact Center Technology, Product of the Year, and Innovation Awards.
About Drishti
Drishti is a leading provider of Contact Center Software and Enterprise Communications Applications. With presence in over 40 countries including key touch points in India, SAARC, Middle East, Africa and Asia–Pacific. Drishti's customers are benefited with dedicated 24/7 support and award winning products based on innovative methodologies.
About Telerain
Telerain is an upcoming contact center based in the Philippines. They aim to enhance their customer service with the ultimate goal of heightened customer satisfaction through the use of advanced technology to automate processes. Telerain constantly works towards ensuring the customer’s queries and needs are met with efficient agent interaction.