Luman Temby, Director of Operations for Trilogiq USA accepting the award, humbly noted, "I am proud to accept the Seegrid Partner Achievement Award on behalf of the Trilogiq USA team. Both of our companies share a commitment to superior customer support and value creation, and connecting Seegrid's world-class technology with Trilogiq USA's sales presence and material handling solution development has generated outstanding results for our customers. We look forward to our continued mutual success."
Robotics Tomorrow recently featured Trilogiq USA as the award recipient the first-ever Partner Achievement Award. Seegrid awarded Trilogiq USA Seegrid is the maker of robotic industrial trucks also known as flexible vision-guided automated guided vehicles (AGVs) to the material handling industry. Seegrid established the new Partner Achievement Award to announce the best practice in the company's strategic alliances and will only be awarded as deserved, rather than on a scheduled basis.
John Hayes, Seegrid's Vice President for US Sales and Marketing commented, "Seegrid is proud to present Trilogiq USA with the Seegrid Partner Achievement Award. Trilogiq's commitment and execution to selling Seegrid flexible AGVs, robotic industrial trucks is why they are receiving this award. The Seegrid-Trilogiq partnership is powerful and this strategic partnership will continue to positively impact manufacturing and distribution facilities with risk-free automated guided vehicles."
Trilogiq USA was founded in 2000 to provide material handling solutions to manufacturing organizations, with an initial focus on the automotive industry. Working in all production and manufacturing industry sectors drove the company to develop into a full service implementer of production process improvement solutions to better serve customers' needs.
Robotics Tomorrow is a community website where those who work in the Robotics Industry are invited to contribute articles, news and product information for colleagues to read and discover. The philosophy is to create an outlet where the industry can report on itself.
To read the entire article, go to:
About Trilogiq USA
Trilogiq USA ( was founded in 2000 to provide material handling solutions to manufacturing organizations, with an initial focus on the automotive industry. Trilogiq USA was a pioneer in identifying automotive industry manufacturing successes and adapting solutions to other industries including aerospace, electronics, appliances, and logistics. The company, based in Livonia, Michigan, developed new methods and new applications. Years of growth in capabilities, geographic reach, and comprehensive one-stop-shopping solutions have created a wider scope and value proposition for Trilogiq USA’s customers. Working in all production and manufacturing industry sectors including distribution and warehousing, has made Trilogiq USA the first full-service implementer of best-practice production process improvement solutions. Follow Trilogiq USA on Twitter @TrilogiqUSA.
Recently Trilogiq USA was awarded the first-ever Partner Achievement Award from Seegrid, the maker of robotic industrial trucks also known as flexible vision-guided automated guided vehicles (AGVs) to the material handling industry.
Trilogiq USA is hosting the 2nd Annual Solution Expo
On Thursday, October 10, 2013 Trilogiq USA is hosting the 2nd Annual Solution Expo which will include demonstrations of Automated Guided Carts, Designing Solutions with SketchUp, CNC machines, and a Seegrid Robot demonstration. Lunch will be served at this special event, however registration is limited and immediate reservations can be made at
Sarah Cunningham
Marketing Coordinator