LITTLETON, Colo. -- Excerpt from Craig Hill’s Blog “What’s on your To-Do List? (” published on August 13, 2013.
What’s on your “to do” list? They’re usually made up of simple daily tasks, so helping heal a broken heart usually doesn’t find its way onto most people’s list.
But you’re probably not “most people.”
We all know someone close who’s hurting. And if we’re paying attention at all, we know that there are millions more.
Their heart may have been broken through a failed relationship with a spouse, a child or a parent. A self-destructive habit may be holding them captive, disease may be devouring their body or maybe they’re bound by ongoing financial trouble.
Your heart goes out to them and you want to help, but how?
Jan and I asked ourselves and the Lord that question many years ago. After prayer and study of the Word, we concluded that only the Holy Spirit can truly heal a heart and change a life. All we can do is become His vessel and set the stage for Him to work.
With that understanding and the leadership of the Holy Spirit, we designed and began conducting Ancient Paths seminars. The results were nothing less than supernatural.
It didn’t take long for Jan and me to realize the limits of conducting seminars one at a time. Lives were being dramatically changed, but what we were doing was like a drop of water in a desert of need and pain.
The Lord then led us to expand through multiplication. We trained ministry teams to conduct video-based seminars in local churches. That was a big and effective step of faith. Now, we were at least using a cup instead of a dropper.
However, after many years and thousands of seminars, we are still only reaching a small percentage of people. While miracles happen in virtually every seminar, the challenge remains. Millions are hurting and most have never heard of Family Foundations International (FFI) or the Ancient Paths.
That is about to change.
For the last nine months, Jan and I, the staff and Board members of Family Foundations International (FFI) have been praying, counting the cost, and planning.
The Lord has led us to take the next step of faith. In the fall of this year we will launch a weekly TV program called “Ancient Paths with Craig Hill.”
The purpose of the program is to teach God’s Ancient Paths of blessing and most important, to encourage viewers to attend FFI Ancient Paths seminars in their area.
We have hundreds of coordinators and ministry teams ready to conduct seminars and more in training. What we have needed is a better way to expose this message, to show the results, and to invite more people to experience the seminars.
It’s time to tell this story and send the invitation across America through television. And we need your support to make that possible.
We obviously can’t do this alone; we need your help. Helping heal a broken heart can become part of your “to do” list.
Would you prayerfully consider partnering with Jan and me in this new television outreach? Together we can make a difference and I believe we can affect the culture of our nation.
The first series will cost approximately $25,000 to produce and broadcast. If 25 people give $1,000, or 50 give $500, or 100 give $250, our first steps into television will be completely funded. Or, you may prefer giving a regular gift each month.
If the Lord is leading you to help, go to ( or call 303-797-1139.
Thank you for all you are doing to help reach families and to create a culture of blessing.
P.S. For a gift of $55 or more, You will receive Craig Hill’s book, Five Wealth Secrets, and a complete DVD set (all 14 broadcasts) of the Ancient Paths financial series as seen on TV: yours to view at home before it’s aired on television. Your gift will help make this program possible.