LUDHIANA, India -- Dr Kapil Dua & Dr Aman Dua trained these doctors ( on various hair transplant techniques. They gave these doctors a hands-on experience of Follicular Unit Extraction ( FUE ( technique. Most of them were amazed by the skill & expertise of the duo. DrKapilDua said, “Many of them are now asking us to have longer training programmes. So, we’re thinking to introduce a training centre in Hair Transplant for the doctors”. They also trained doctors on Bio-Enhanced FUE & Direct Hair Transplant. These techniques are the most advanced &sophisticated; innovation of AK Clinics ( Dr. Aman Dua, said, “ It has been an endeavor at AK Clinics to improvise on the existing techniques and come out with better & more result-oriented ones. We’ve got immense appreciation for our efforts from our fellow doctors”. The Ludhiana based duo plans to take Hair Transplant to various parts of country & abroad. In fact DrKapilDua, has been invited to direct a workshop for doctors in San Francisco for the ISHRS meeting this year. He will be the first & only Indian doctor to do so. So they are not only bringing proud to the city but the state & the country.