It had been a weeks passed away since his blog and youtube video titled how to get a boyfriend in middle school and 2 tricks on how to get a boyfriend in middle school had been launched respectively, since then, this blog creator had been helping people around the world especially for the youngsters that still at school but had a desire to have a boyfriend.
Mr Ilyas the creator of this blog and a short youtube video running no more than 2 minutes said that he was happy on helping people in the world regarding this problem and he is hoping that his blog will continue to help and educate people in the world especially for those who still schooling about relationship matters and apart from that he also motivates them to take actions too.
He also mentioned that he will be opening a new room for those who wants to ask him or her questioned on regarding getting a boyfriend problem in schools and other relationships matters as well. Aside from that, He also said that he had a planned in his mind to opened a new forum or community that are focusing to help people to help people on relationships problem in the future. Although, he never mentioned about the exact date about it going to launched yet.
Apart from saying that he is happy to help people in the world regards to this matter he expressed some disappointment too regards to mainly lacking of opinions and comments of its viewers and readers who visit his blog or view his video.
Before Mr Ilyas leave this conversation he strongly encourage its readers to post his or her comments or opinions as well as answers to his blog about how to get a boyfriend in middle school at or his short youtube video that could be found at this news release