Silver Explodes on Fashion Scene

For the first time in over a decade there has been a major shift in the precious metal most requested by artisans and fashion designers alike. Silver jewelry has emerged as the newest trend in jewelry fashion, taking the look in a new direction in both color and style.

Every so often silver takes the position as to go-to precious metal when it comes to creating exciting new designs in the world of jewelry. Now is one of those times. Sparked by the absurdly high prices now being demanded for gold, the smaller cutting edge designers recently began switching their metal of choice to silver. These underground designers are the ones who are most likely to influence the direction that the fashion scene takes. This has proven to be the case yet again. Going for the clean look that silver brings, more and more people are creating whole wardrobe lines that look to silver jewelry and not gold as the accessory of choice.

This explosive use of silver has permeated through almost every aspect of the jewelry industry, even to the most traditional lines. There has been a noticeable uptick in the sale of diamond engagement rings made with silver, not gold, and this continues directly to the accompanying wedding bands. Another piece that has traditionally been exclusively gold, men’s fashion bracelets, has been split into an almost even share between silver and gold.

As silver continues to be a major player in fashion scene, the professional artisans at Monarch Jewelry and Art are ready to help you find the right selection of affordable silver jewelry to complete your collection. From necklaces and rings to bracelets and earrings, there will be the right piece of jewelry for you to become a part of the growing fashion sense that is now centered on the clean beauty of silver jewelry.


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