August 20,2013
You have quite a unique history. You were a dominatrix, a musical prodigy & now a pop singer. I admire this because sometimes music ties beautifully with sex. Yes, my music had something very sexual because I’m a very sexual person. But in general, what I want to translate is a message of acceptance of who we are. There isn’t one answer to one question. There isn’t one way to see the world. Everybody is a treasure and a miracle.
Your musical sound is definitely Goldfrapp meets Katy Perry. It’s a stylistic sex kitten over electronic.
I definitely love these two artists! I’m compared to Goldfrapp a lot, and I actually created “Break Your Heart” with Goldfrapp as a reference. “Stylistic domina over electronic with opera influences” is how I would describe myself
Yes! That’s exactly where I wanna go in the big picture. I love opera, I love classical music, and my next single called “Princess Boy” (to be released in August), will include some operatic influences that will open the doors to where I eventually wanna be musically. I wanna create a new genre and break the walls created in music.
Myself. My vision. I wanna tell them: Just be yourself… Nothing is black and white, but more of a rainbow with infinite colors, shapes and possibilities. Beauty is relative and isn’t an actual defined object. So just love yourself cause you’re beautiful! I also wanna say: being happy is a choice. So I eventually wanna be the spokesperson for all the people who feel like they don’t fit it… One of my next single is called “Super Freak” and is a ballad on how to accept and love yourself even if you’re different.
I write more music. I learn opera arias. I go to dance class.I hang out in Central park on sunny days or go for a ride on my bicycle. I constantly meet new people.
Labels are quickly picked up once we over saturate our image, such as Katy Perry’s candy fantasy look, or Gaga’s sexual religious imagery. Do you think that if you changed your style in music later in the game, or softened up, people would miss the sexy Aline?
Look at Madonna how she has been through different phases that may have been considered like “softer”. But it wasn’t less interesting! I have this thing in me that constantly wants to create new exciting things and wants to have fun out if it. I’ll go through different phases of exploration which is normal for an artist, but even if at some point it will look “softer”, it will never be less intense and interesting. And something else more “hard” may follow right away.
What is it about music that you hate, and what is it that you love?
There’s nothing I hate about music. I may not like some musicians, but there’s no bad music styles or genres. What I love about music is that it gives me a purpose in life and it un-stresses me. Or uplifts me, depending the situation. It’s a great way to share emotions an experiences with people, so they can relate, and to give them a message.
You remind me of the girl from the group “Infernal” very decadent and beautiful and always with a brave woman’s story of triumph. Do you relate to her and that music?
If you’re looking for concrete things: A piano. My cell phone. A complete library of opera scores. A computer. A great loving man. If you’re looking for abstract things: success, love, compassion, gratitude, acceptance.
It’s about daring to be Fabulous! And before everything, daring to be yourself. I use the story of a Princess boy soon to be a Fabulous Queen as a metaphor of the transformation in life toward the person that we really are.
Your song Break Your Heart. What’s the history behind that song?
Instead of crying and say: “OMG you broke my heart”, I give heads up and say that I’m gonna be the one who break hearts if you mess around with me. It’s an empowering song for anyone who wants to be happy in love and in life and avoid staying with the wrong persons.
You have the makings of a huge Gay following. What do you think about your gay fans?
I have a lot of gay friends. They’re one of my first source of inspiration. They’re so Fierce and Fabulous and I admire how most of them can dare coming out and be themselves even though it isn’t always easy. I’m in admiration for you and I love you guys! :-)
Do you ever get women fawning all over you?
Actually yes. One of my first shows was at a very straight club, and I was just being myself on stage, with my 3 gay dancers and my whip, and almost all the people that came in front of the stage were women. They weren’t actually fawning all over me, but I guess they felt like I had a message of empowering for women and for all minorities, so they listened and supported me.
If this was your last day on earth, who would you spend it with and doing what?
What is your ultimate message to all your fans?
JUST. BE. YOU. You’re Fabulous and Beautiful and Awesome!. I love you! So don’t forget to love yourself! :-)
Follow Aline:
6230 wilshire blvd. suite 1123 la,ca 90048