OKHLA, India -- Mr Shaji Thomas was with Mr Raghav Mittal in Engineering Watch Interactions.
• You have a very interesting thought in your mission statement, “deliver beyond expectations”. How does ‘CampusCare’
deliver beyond expectations?
See, there are different seekers in our methodology of working which other companies cannot adopt, or, are difficult to
adopt. As far as we are concerned, this is our flagship product. There was 100% attention given to this project, which other
companies cannot do. Very big companies are unable to do it because it’s a challenging process for them. Management is
involved in each and every project. So, we know what is going on in the institution, what they require and what their
expectation level is. We are trying to meet their expectations through different levels of deliverables, different level of
supports and different level of post implementation support.In most of the progresses what happens is, companies deliver the
things and go by. In our case, we have a feedback system. So, we engage with the customer, engage with their usage and engage
with the actual expectations from the system.
• Out of the whole hallmarks of your product, like the product per se, the timely and effective support, the kind of
up-gradations and the value-for-money thing, which one would you say is playing an acceptance of Entab solutions?
Post-implementation support! That is the USP for us. Why, because we are bagging the customer. One is our bagginess. Second
one is the time-bound execution of projects. If we are discussing a project, first of all we see whether we can execute the
project the way the customer expects. Otherwise, we don’t take the project. If we can take up the projects, we tell him,
“this much time is required”. Otherwise, we tell them that this much time is required for the first phase and this much time
we can utilize for the second phase of implementation. In such a situation, we analyze the situation, we divide the
methodology in two phases, i.e., phase one and phase two.So, the time-bound execution can be there. Lot of us are defending
to execute the entire system,A to Z, it is not possible. The customer will not listen to things. Here, if you are not
receiving, we will be a failure.
• Having such a vast experience in the ERP implementation in the education institutions, can the ERP be marketed more
as an ‘off-the-shelf’ kind of a product?
We are interested for ‘off-the-shelf’, but situation does not allow us.Every institution is weak in functionality. We are
trying for maximum standardized systems for every institution, like CBSE Board has introduced new examination system, so,
some standardization has come out in the exam process. Otherwise, every institution was going for its own examination
methodology. Similarly, every board is doing this standardization process. Otherwise, we are interested for the analysis
system for every institution. In some of the cases, some institutions fail to do that coordination; specially the fee
collection methodology. So, when customization will come, only then, in the Indian scenario, the customer will accept that.
Here we are able to do the fine-tuning which is required for the institution, whether it is a school, or a college or a
university. Once that fine-tuning is not there, there are off-the-shelf sales, there are multiple service providers in the
country. Sometimes, overseas multinational companies are there, but they cannot cope up with the situation of Indian scenario
because they are not going to customize their plans. They need to customize to continue to be used for future also.
• Not as a technological solution provider, but as an educationist what are your personal views as educationists are
In that aspect, we can say the institutions can have almost same aspects academically and financially. Even government of
India lies in releasing some common means of accounting system to standardize the accounting system of the country, for
getting some standardized systems for higher education of country. So, that type of initiation has not happened in the K-12
area. Most of the institutions where we are serving, you can say, public schools, there are individual managements. So, they
have their own interest, so, we have to fulfill their interest accordingly. So, we have to cater to that