HENLEY-ON-THAMES, U.K. -- Requirements
ArcelorMittal was looking for a communication tool to reach their employees spread over seven factories nationwide. Many of the staff are not office based so effective health and safety and corporate communication messages are difficult to convey. In addition the content needed to be real-time and/or remotely configurable, and finally the reliability of the solution was paramount.
What is installed
46 ONELAN Millennium Net-top-box (NTB) 6000s have been installed in the factories, driving 45 46” large format displays and one 2m/2m LED outdoor display.
A ONELAN Millennium NTB-6000P publishes content to the subscribers media players in each factory.
10 layouts are used, rotated at one minute intervals. There are also RSS feeds for live news, weather and ArcelorMittal’s stock exchange numbers.
Safety and factory figures (custom programmed) are also displayed as well as user updateable content, ad-hoc content and a live webcam from the CEO’s office.
There is great emphasis placed on health and safety.
Virtual Ox
A key feature of ArcelorMittal’s solution is their Virtual Ox. The Ox displays safety statistics from each location on different parts of the Virtual Ox and acts as an important incentive. If a factory can go 50 days without a serious injury or death then an Ox is roasted, with the winning factory employees getting the best cuts.
The Virtual Ox is a flash based video triggered by Java Script and formatted with CSS. Safety data is supplied daily on an Excel spreadsheet posted by ArcelorMittal’s Head Office on SharePoint. A ONELAN Data Collection (DCE) is programmed to look at certain cells in the latest Excel spreadsheet by date, and then update the Java Script to trigger a change in the layout.
The whole network is run from ArcelorMittal’s head office in Vanderbijlpark.
A ONELAN Digital Signage Manager (DSM) monitors and updates all the NTBs nationwide via the company's private LAN.
End user feedback
The network is very stable and requires little maintenance despite the harsh conditions it operates under.
The objective of the digital signage is to reduce fatalities and encourage health and safety continues on an upward trend.
ArcelorMittal views this project as a success and ROI can be measured in human lives.
ONELAN is a global leader of digital signage and IPTV solutions and a proud investor in UK engineering talent. The company develops high quality, innovative solutions for all types of screen-based communications for applications including retail, advertising networks, corporate communications, education, health, public signage and hospitality.
With a solid foundation and long history of profitable growth, ONELAN is headquartered in the UK, with offices in South America, China and Germany. ONELAN has over 300 partners in 50 countries. The business has received numerous awards since its foundation in 2000, including most recently the AV magazine Digital Signage Project of the Year and the Queen’s Award for Enterprise: International Trade.
ONELAN Ltd is based in Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire.
Visit www.onelandigitalsignage.com for further details.
Press Contact details: Marion Bourne
email: marion.bourne@onelan.com,
phone: +44 (0) 1491 411400