CENTRAL LONDON, U.K. -- Offer 1: NHS services, 7 days a week
The NHS will move towards routine services being available 7 days a week. This is essential to offer a much more patient-focused service and also offers the opportunity to improve clinical outcomes and reduce costs.
Everyone Counts: Planning for Patients 2013/14
NHS England
The offer above, made in the 2013/14 NHS England planning guidance, commits the NHS to work towards the routine delivery of services seven days a week. Disturbing figures released recently show that if the same standard of care could be provided 7 days a week, more than 4,400 lives could be saved each year.
It is clear therefore that the health and care system needs to change and embrace seven day working. This conference has been developed to help you deliver 7 day working, both within your Trust and across the whole local care system.
Shifting the NHS and care system to seven day working will present enormous challenges, particularly given current levels of resource and demand. The NHS Medical Director is currently leading a Forum to explore the delivery of 7 day working, which will be reporting its findings in the autumn. Their recommendations will be explored within this important new conference.
The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges is also continuing to work on its standards for the delivery of 7 day Consultant Present Care. This important new conference will allow you to hear all the latest guidance on the delivery of 7 day working. It will also however deliver practical case studies from priority clinical areas, so that you can benefit from their experience in delivering change on the ground.
More information: http://www.capitaconferences.co.uk/public-sector-conferen...
Contact: Stephanie Hartley - stephanie.hartley@capita.co.uk | 0207 2020 562