HOUSTON -- Houston, Texas author, Alicia White has published a new book entitled Samuel's Chair, which is now available on Amazon to purchase in print and as a Kindle eBook.
Print Version: http://www.amazon.com/Samuels-Chair-Alicia-White/dp/14912... (http://www.amazon.com/Samuels-Chair-Alicia-White/dp/1491269634/ref=sr_1_1_bnp_1_pap?ie=UTF8&qid=1376112827&sr=8-1)
Kindle Version: http://www.amazon.com/Samuels-Chair-ebook/dp/B00E9PDK6I/r...
The tale woven in the new book release Samuel's Chair poetically describes the life of a broken family struggling to survive with a focus on the psyche of the wife of a man who has lost his wits and seemingly fallen into a semi-vegetative state.
Men and women who have experienced the emotional breakdowns of their mates who were once active, lively souls, but have fallen into a depressed state of paralysis will find they are able to relate in a very personal way with the new book Samuel's Chair.
The sentence at the top of the back cover aptly summarizes the story stating: "As Beatrice dreams of what has been, and what could be, will she find a way to live with what "is"?
Houston, Texas Author Alicia White formerly published her books under the name of Alicia Crowder. Her older books, as well as many of her published articles under the same name are easily located via an online search, due to the prolific nature of her writing behaviors for the past decade.
Many biographies posted on various websites explain that her passion for writing began as a child when she was introduced to Shel Silverstein's books. In particular, the books The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein and A Light in the Attic were the inspiration, which lead her to begin her efforts to become a writer at a young age. Her passion for writing never ceased, and in the year 2000, she began writing professionally for various publications and as a content writer for hundreds of websites.
Writing books has always been her deepest interest though and under her name, Alicia White, she has recently begun to release a number of new books in print format and as Kindle eBooks.
Samuel's Chair by Alicia White is available internationally and the first copy was sold in the UK last week. As an artist with many interests, Alicia White was also the designer/illustrator of the cover art on Samuel's Chair, and has followed this same pattern historically creating her own cover art and in some cases, internal page illustrations within each book published.
The newly published book, Samuel's Chair, while being a fiction book, is a hand of understanding to hold for those who have or are currently experiencing familial situations relative to the tale in the book, as well as a message of hope for those searching for a reason to keep on keeping on.