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New Innovation Specs
Package Content – Time Capsule, Printed documentation, Power cord
Time Capsule works with Time Machine in Mac OS X Leopard or Snow Leopard to create the perfect no-hassle backup solution.
The massive 2TB server-grade hard drive gives you all the capacity and safety you need for backing up all your Mac computers.
Connect your DSL or cable modem to Time Capsule, then quickly set it up with the AirPort Utility, which is available as download
Time Capsule works simultaneously on both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, allows the network to use the band automatically.
In minutes,you and up to 50 others can use your Mac computers or PCs to surf the web, stream video, share photos without wires.
It uses the latest 802.11n wireless technology.
New technologies in Time Capsule and refinements to Time Machine make backing up up to 75 per cent faster than before.
The massive 2TB server-grade hard drive gives you all the capacity and safety you need for backing up all your Mac computers
Time Capsule works with Time Machine in Mac OS X Leopard or Snow Leopard to create the perfect no-hassle backup solution
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