Get Right Software Tools Only At Rommana Software

Rommana Software, a leader in integrated application life cycle management is committed to provide quality Software Tools to ensure that software projects experience success. Rommana believes that good software engineering discipline as well as best practices in project management suggest success for any software projects.

Project management tools, one of the important Software Tools play a pivotal role in determining the success of the software project. Thus, project management tools by Rommana has complete integration and traceability between all project artifacts and activities, complete collaboration between all team members through the project activities, accessibility of all project artifacts as well as activities by entire team members anywhere 24/7.

Other important features of the project management tools Rommana Software includes strong methodologies with checks and balances so that the team members can be guided to follow the best practices in all lifecycle phases, total agility and flexibility to respond to continuously changing business requirement and system behavior.

Thus, it is understandable that Software Tools by Rommana Software try to ensure success of the project within the stipulated time frame. With the help of other processes Rommana ensures that the above mentioned success factors are achieved. This includes requirement management, test management, project management, use case management, issue management, change management, release management and iteration management, collaboration management and document management.

In general all the Software Tools provided by Rommana features full integration web-based ALM suite and methodology, ability of the project team to access project data from any place with Internet Explorer, a common repository for all project artifacts and documentation, complete collaboration between all team members across the globe 24/7, extensive reporting capability to export reports as Microsoft Word or PDF, integration with test execution tools, code version control tools and Jira.

Rommana delivers complete control, integration, management, simplicity, availability, traceability and complete collaboration. Visit Rommana Software today to use Rommana team in Cloud for free or to download a free copy for your team.

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