My Ex Boyfriend Is Texting Me - What Does It Mean?

My Ex Boyfriend Is Texting Me - What Does It Mean?

So you don't have a dictionary that can translate from guy language to normal human-speak. If you did, you might have been able to keep the breakup at bay indefinitely. Unfortunately, your efforts to keep your ex around fell on deaf ears. When your phone starts blowing up with messages from your ex, your confusion hits an all-time high. If you ever thought that you had a handle on what your ex was thinking, you now have to re-think your position. What in the world is he thinking?

Is He Looking To Get Together Again?

You're looking at every single thing that happens in your post-breakup world as a possibility. That means that if your ex boyfriend starts texting you again, you'll be jumping the gun and finding deeper meanings in all of his messages that may simply not be there. Try to look at things rationally and be honest with yourself here. Although it may be painful, don't read too much into a random message from your ex.

So he probably still has feelings for you - are you surprised? Emotions aren't easily dissipated - even after a breakup. It takes time to process and come to grips with these conflicting emotions - even for the person that ended things. Something is keeping him in your life and those feelings are probably a big part of the reason.

If there is anything about the situation that could give you comfort it's what he's not doing. He's not ignoring you. He's not pretending like the relationship never happened. He's not off in the ether somewhere out of touch. He's keeping in contact for a reason - just don't try to interpret what that reason is without some sufficient evidence to back it up - or you're only setting yourself up for another blow to your heart - and your self-confidence.

Why is He Still Texting?

Your ex-boyfriend has probably had a lot of free time on his hands to sit and think about things - especially if you've refused to contact him after the breakup. With all that time, you've come to mind. This is a huge step in the process and you're well on your way to success. Your ex is realizing the impact of your absence, and he's missing you enough to make contact. Now is the time to exercise caution, however. You can control how you respond and what you say - and that can end up making all the difference in the overall outcome of your situation.

If you want to know what your ex is really thinking about you and your former relationship, take a look at the underlying message. The examples below can give you a decent head start - and possibly save you a potential headache later on.

- Making sure you're doing okay

This is a guy's number one go-to text to re-establish contact. He's hoping for a favorable response - the sooner the better. That way he thinks he can get you to spill the beans about how much you still love him - so he won't have to. You've been running through his mind non-stop and he jumped at the opportunity to reach out - and probably didn't realize how obvious this message appears.

- Shows an interest in his things that were left in your possession

If you've received this message, you're probably a little confused. Aside from an old, beat up pair of sneakers and maybe a shirt or two, what could your ex possibly be interested in retrieving? The fact of the matter is he's not. It's simply a way to reconnect. He probably doesn't remember what, if anything, he left at your house. Chances are good that it was nothing important anyway.

How Can I Respond?

While there may seem like dozens of different responses that you can fire back at your ex, there really is only one that matters. Ignore the texts like you never got them.

Your ex-boyfriend certainly isn't used to you not responding to him. For some reason he still has the idea that you're tied to your phone and he's expecting a response to his repeated texts quickly. When the amount of time continually drags on and he still has no answer he's going to go into panic mode in a big way. Why aren't you answering him? What are you doing? Is some other guy keeping you busy? As ironic as it sounds, these thoughts will make him even more interested in you. In order to keep you, he'll need to reach out by making a real effort to get in touch by either seeing you physically or dialing your number.

Knowledge is power in this situation and the more tips you can be aware of the better off you'll be. Learning the trick behind responding or ignoring his messages is one part of the puzzle. There are also things you can do to exponentially increase his interest and get him to start pursuing you again and these are both huge leaps in the right direction.

Your Next Steps - Do You Want Him Back?

If your ex boyfriend is texting you then the chances are high that he is still interested. It is up to you whether you encourage or kill this interest. If you want to make him long for you and want you back then you have to do things the right way, otherwise he will realise that the break up was a good idea and stay well clear of you. Take a look at the most common mistakes that girls in your situation make after a break up below. If you are honest with yourself you might be guilty of doing some of them - these are a huge turn off for men so avoid them like the plague.

Get Him Back Step By Step

The link below will show you how to get your ex boyfriend back step by step. If you are serious about reestablishing a relationship then you have to do it the right way or you will only risk having another break up again. Find out more by clicking the link below.

Signs Ex Boyfriend Still Loves You

Before you make a move o even consider trying to get your ex boyfriend back, what you should be doing is to figure out if he feels the same way about you. Sure, texts are a good sign that he still likes you, but can you go on this alone? The last thing that you want to happen is that you pursue him only to be spurned. Take a look at the signs your ex boyfriend still loves you to know where you really stand with him.

  • Issue by:CharlotteJane
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