By Kenneth Stepp
The question of what Jesus would do in certain situations in the world today has been on my mind a lot lately. I live in what is known as the most Christian nation on the globe, yet as Americans we allow so many things to be done in our name that I believe we have completely lost our way. I am a simple “bottom line guy". I see Jesus leaving us two things to do. Love others as He loved us. And never never never judge. Either He is a fraud or we are. Let’s break that down.
As a bible college grad with many years of church leadership and activity under my belt I became very disillusioned with the church because I watched the drift from loving to judging take place. Of course because I speak freely, I became a target of that judging myself. Which I embrace as a badge of honor. I decided I would list the things that I saw that should not be happening.
1. Hating Muslims. Now if you ask some church folk will glibly say they love Muslims because God does. Others are more honest. They see them as a threat and a religion based on hate and violence. They hate them and would wipe them off the globe if they had the power. The fact is far more atrocities have been committed in the name of our God than theirs. Even this very day. On 911 2001 under 3000 people died. Over 2.5 million have been killed since in retaliation. Most were innocent. Over 500,000 were under 8 years of age. WWJD? He would love them, take the time to understand them, and certainly not kill innocence in His name. The media in America has convinced most of you this is ok. The global media makes fun of Americans for believing the agenda driven scripted media we call news. It is not news.
2. Judging. This one will be long. I will attempt to explain myself without breaking too theological on you. When Jesus taught about sin, He used the term “Sin", not “Sins". One has never been the plural of the other. Sin is a heart condition that can only be healed with unconditional love. The kind Jesus told us we had the power to weld due to the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. I’m crazy enough to believe Him. The church, not so much. What man calls “Sins" are simply manifestations of the aforementioned heart condition that we were given the power to heal with unconditional love. When He spoke of “Sins" He was speaking to the self righteous, not the lost.
Mother Teresa has a quote, it’s my favorite. “You can’t love them if you are judging them". This quote changed my life and my theology forever. I already knew the two main edicts passed to us by Jesus. Love others like I have loved you, and never judge. I just did not realize they were tied together. You see the quote is so true. In practice I began to use this advice. I use to secretly judge others. I wrapped it in church speak and scripture to pretty it up. Muslims, gays, other, unmarried couples living together, races and religions, etc. I just stopped.
Now I have few boundaries and never meet a stranger, so I began smiling and talking to everyone I met. EVERYONE! Without the preconceived dogma attached, I wasn’t judging them. All of the sudden everyone was interesting. I actually liked everyone I met. I cared about everyone I met. It was liberating. Now I have so many friends that are so different than myself. I enjoy life so much more. What an eye opener this has been.
3. Excuses. This is one so entrenched in church dogma that I will lose 99.9% on this one. But please open your mind, remain calm, and read. My favorite excuses for failing to do what Jesus said we were able to do are.
A. We are all human and imperfect. (this when we fail to love unconditionally)
B. Well, let’s just leave them alone. They know the truth. Accept it or not, their call. (this when we decide to shun or abandon someone)
c. God will take care of them. (this when we refuse to help someone when we can help them)
D. My all time favorite of course is “I’ll be praying for you". (this when we know what to do but the cost in time, talents, or treasures is higher than we want to pay)
Before judging me for writing my thoughts from my journey down. Or making sure to say “You’re judging the church" (the completely lost in dogma uses this one). Look at these excuses and choose the ones that Jesus would have used. Someone has to say this. And because I’ve already been shunned, I thought I was a great voice for it. You see “Christian" means Christ Like. I see far more Pharisee’s than I should in church leadership. As a matter of fact I see no Christ Like’s there.
4. The Fix. This would take a paradigm shift and much time to repair. The church has become a destroyer and not a healer as the original intent. But until then I see so many things being done in my name that I want to change. Writing and meetings are my tools. I will continue. Surely at least a few will get this.