Use of Insulation Thickness Calculation

HAMBURG, Germany -- Introduction:

Different types of calculation software are developed by the ISOWTC which is awarded by SO 2012 FIW. Insulation thickness calculation is one of them. This software is really required for engineers to find out the thickness of insulation ( and surface temperature to save bills and light energy. This calculator allows the people to find out which type of shade can stopped the energy transfer and save heat energy. You can use tape of 15.5 inches to find out the depth of floor for the optimization of energy-efficiency. First of all, it is necessary to look at the existing insulation through checking the wood beam is visible or not. This calculator is used to measure the R-value without any cost and calculate rolls to analyze the proper depth of insulation which is required.


The main purpose behind the development of this calculator is to determine how much insulation is required to improve the efficiency. This determination is also helpful to use less energy and reduce the plant emission. This is called an industrial energy management tool which calculates the thermal performance as well as the emission of greenhouse gases. It is use by the energy and environmental managers, plant managers and process engineers. This is the most important tool for industrial purpose to find out the investment of insulation on ducts and boilers. Calculating the thickness of insulation with the help of ISOWTC software, is the cheapest way to save money, heat energy and environment.

Uses of ISOWTC thermal thickness calculation software are:

Calculate thermal performance of different equipments
Calculate greenhouse gas reduction
Improved report formats
Measures multiple insulation layers
Cost of energy calculations
Calculates thickness tables
Determine the surface temperature
Calculation of flat surfaces, pipe size etc.
Calculates heat loss or gain
Simple payback calculations


All types of insulation calculation software are designed to reduce heat loss or gain, give process control, decrease condensation and vibration. These are also advantageous to protect personnel and protect against corrosion and abate noise. Fiber glass and equipment insulations are applied for huge industrial applications. These are used in power plants, petroleum refineries, paper mills, and many more other areas of industry. It is necessary to properly design the insulation system to easily determine the thickness properly. Reduction of energy consumption and saving heath energy are the main benefits of calculating the thickness of software. Engineers can also blocks UV lights by determining the suitable cellular bland. This determination is to allow you to maintain the consistent temperature.

If you want to get the complete solutions of insulation calculation software then contact us

COM CAD Burghardt GmbH

Krautgartenweg 1

86856 Hiltenfingen

Telefon: (+49) 08232 / 9622-0

Telefax: (+49) 08232 / 9622-99


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  • Telephone:011-40556770
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