LCE Black Box Technology of LCE Newport Beach IT, Inc.: Installation in the country of Sierra Leone

CARSON, Calif. -- The LCE’s Black Box technology is being made available globally by LCE Newport Beach IT, Inc. The Series 0001 Global Communications Device (GCD), together with LCE’s manufacturing, delivery, maintenance and technical support of the LCE Blackbox hardware are provided by LCE Newport Beach IT, Inc., Dennis Matthews, CEO. Please visit

The LCE Black Box represents a GCD package integrated with satellite technology to be installed initially within the Country of Sierra Leone, Africa, to be followed by all countries within that continent and elsewhere in the world. The technology is a solution for educational programs/institutions, religious bodies and ministries to simplify the integration of technology into educational and ministerial services.

In addition to being integrated with the satellite technology, highlight features include, but are not limited to: (1) firmware that supports high quality video over low bandwidth channels, and (2) LCE Newport Beach IT, Inc.’s association with an existing worldwide 53-satellite network.

The GCD will carry events and messages to millions of people with computers and hand held devices using the latest in digital information and satellite technologies providing instant access to programs and information. The 53 satellites that are presently circling the globe will enable the technology. This capability avoids any connection difficulties, so common with Internet connections, including in the remotest locations in the world.

LCE Newport Beach IT, Inc. has enlisted the cooperation of The Legacy of ABC4All to install this technology first to the Country of Sierra Leone, Africa. In a separate focus, an ABC4All press release on 7/22/13, announces the association between ABC4All and Social Market Research for Charity (SMRC) to create a secure network, to be set up in cooperation with LCE Newport Beach IT, Inc., that allows every participant to earn income while being assured of complete and total privacy, security and protection of one’s identity.

Please visit The Legacy of ABC4All at, SMRC at and the press release, “Legacy of ABC4All/SMRC protecting people’s real and social identity all for no out-of-pocket cost.” at

Prior contracts already completed by LCE Newport Beach IT, Inc. are found at

LCE’s Black Box was developed by inner city born, disabled veteran Dennis Mathews. The military started a program titled “Joint Tactical Radio System” and spent decades and $5.6 billion researching and attempting to develop a unified secure communications device. The program was eventually abandoned. Mathews, seeing the need for such a device, worked on the project by himself with no government funding.

After years of development and testing, LCE’s Black Box now has been working in many locations across the world. The past contracts reveal various stages of deployment since 2002. LCE technology currently supports millions of users in a variety of educational, religious and commercially oriented global networks. Envisioned is a full trade platform for international commercial activity.

The LCE Blackbox: Series 0001 will be used as the hardware solution for network installation utilized by religious groups, ministries, academia and trade concerns worldwide as well as for The ABC4All-TV WorldWide Network (AWWN). Please visit


Dennis Matthews was born in Cleveland, Ohio, and lived in an orphanage. He was raised in Huntsville, Alabama, by his Grandmother Mattie Lee Allen. Dennis overcame hardships and has become a consistent overachiever. Video technology has enabled Dennis to achieve goals. One of these goals is to bring people together all over the world using his technology.

Dennis graduated with Honors in Electronic Engineering, and served five years in the Marines. Finally, his career took off when he created a way to set up computer networking and video conferencing. The different companies and agencies that he created this technology for are: the Pentagon, U.S. Army, EPA, Federal Aviation Administration, Langley U.S. Air Force Base and the Elmendorf Anchorage Alaska AFB. He has subcontracted for IBM, Citicorp, Unisys, and many other top Fortune 500 companies and government agencies.

Dennis is also a board member of the NGO African Diaspora Foundation, United Nations Association, US-Africa Chamber of Commerce and the United States International Mission.

Mr. Matthews founded his first company LCE as a DBA in 1987 while working at the Dow Jones / Wall Street Company as an Earth Station technician for satellite communications. LCE Newport Beach IT Inc was started in February 2011. The company specializes in technology and construction. It is a Small Disabled Veteran Owned Business (PL 108-193(SDVOBS).


LCE Newport Beach IT, Inc.
Dennis Matthews, Founder/CEO
1176 Sandhill Ave
Carson, CA 90746 (

Burton Danet, Ph.D., Founder, The Legacy of ABC4All:
Rejuvenated Facilitator & Founder, ABC4All
abc4allteam @ abc4all (dot) net

Scott Bruce, Partner
Social Market Research for Charity (SMRC)
scottb063 @ abc4all (dot) net

  • Issue by:LCE Newport Beach IT, Inc.
  • Web:http://
  • City:Carson - California - United States
  • Telephone:1-949-394-3221
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