Grey B, has announced the opening of a new regional office in Gurgaon - hi- tech heartland of India The move to the creative capital will enable Grey B to support the international clients in delivering the most innovative and technologically advanced IP Solutions. Grey B eloquently underlines its commitment to being the preeminent IP Company worldwide. This step is a first part of a multi-phase plan to expand the presence of the company
"We enjoy international recognition for our IP practice, which encompasses patent, trademark and copyright issues. We got the energy, extensive experience with complex matters in a variety of technical disciplines, the eye for detail and the unparalleled stature with persuasive and strong presence in the business.” Said Deepak Syal, Director – Operations, Grey B -. professional accolades and Industry expertise warrant him as one of the influential individual with exceptional achievement in IP industry.
"Grey B has an outstanding contingent of people well versed with IP field .This new office will lead and augment our groundbreaking approach to intellectual property and will endow us a solid international platform." Said Chakshu Kalra, Director – Sales - Distinguished Intellectual Property enthusiast.
The Gurgaon office is headed by Arindam Gupta, Vice President – Sales with 10-15 years of experience. Being an expert who will spearhead strategy to develop Grey B position as a world leader in IP. He quoted “We are ahead of where we thought we would be in terms of business.In 2013, we talk about having offices in some important cities around the world. We mean being able to pull together all our resources and direct them to what our clients need in almost any country, at any time ’’.
About Grey B
“Making Intellectual Property centric business decisions better”
We are a boutique advisory firm with exceptional focus on finding intelligent patent & trademark information for IP professionals. Our uniqueness originates from the way we gather this Intelligent IP Information i.e. is synthesis of human intelligence, state-of-the art tools & industry expertise that empowers the decision-makers with the data to act faster.
The team at GreyB has extensive engineering and industry experience, in addition to the patent searching. The areas of our expertise include everything from Semiconductors, Biotechnology, Chemical to Nanotechnology. This combination of diversified experience and technical depth provides an unparalleled value. Our areas of expertise include Computer Science, Electrical & Electronics, Mechanical & Automotive, Chemical & Chemistry, Material Science & Metallurgy, Life Sciences and High technology.