The Organizations today need the accurate information any forecasting ability in order to stay a step ahead from their peers. Timely information and data are the two inputs which are needed for making correct strategic decision.
An Enterprise Resource planning system is the solution which the Organizations opt today to get the real time information and maintain large pool of data in a systematic manner.
The ERP system first of all helps in enhancing the supply chain of any organization by providing the companies the power to forecast with accuracy. If the managers in a company are able to make more accurate forecasting this would help them in taking better decision. The ERP system when implemented in any Organization help the management of threat organization to do the forecasting based upon large pool of historical data.
The ERP system can be helpful in the growth of Organization in multiple ways. The company which is planning to drop in the market a new product needs to make certain forecasts first as to what will be the demand of the product and market share of the particular product. The ERP system can be a great deal for assessing all these information because in a good ERP system there is availability of good information and collaboration tools through which the companies can arrive at a decision and in turn face less risk of loss.
Many companies spend great deal of time in making a product because their system is not integrated and the required information is not available to them. One of the most important aspects which are to be kept in mind while launching a product should be correct timing. If the timing of the product launch is wrong, no matter how good is the product it fails?
There are Organizations where the success of the business heavily depends upon the clarity in the supply chain of that company. It becomes essential for the manufacturers to be connected with the suppliers and customers and to provide them with details like price of the product, availability of the product etc. In order to achieve efficiency in this process the Organization implement ERP systems which makes the whole process quick by manifolds compared to manual work and also increase the efficiency.
If in an Organization there are different software platforms used by the different departments, it will only result in confusion, errors and delay in the process. The Organization improves their efficiency by implementing a centralised ERP system which can be used by all the departments for their purposes and in turn helps in the growth of the Organization.
The ERP system increases the integration among the various departments in the Organization which saves the time and making the process easier and faster.
The departments like sales, finance, manufacturing, operations, HR all get real time information and also can remain connected within themselves which allows them to work faster and efficient responses.
Thus an ERP system implementation allows the Organization to integrate all its information, collect data systematically and make the process even more efficient.
Read about Causes of ERP Failures (