CANTON, Mich. -- Canton, MI- A surge in e-commerce profits increases consumer interest in establishing entrepreneur e-commerce frontiers. As a result, eMarketing businesses are rapidly implementing strategic plans navigating the forecast of e-commerce Websites. In fact, some eMarketer’s even promise consumer retention. But how can anyone guarantee consumer retention?
Proprietor and eMarketing Analyst, Brad Fowler, says he began Positive Light, while studying marketing courses at Capella University, over the past two years. Fowler says the courses he completed in Fundamentals of eMarketing and Developing eMarketing and Target Market analysis, evoked his interest so much, he establish his Internet eMarketing business.
Fowler says, “No where else on earth can people connect with so much information in a matter of seconds; the Internet must be connected to God.” After all, e-commerce businesses now span the globe; however, in order for e-commerce business owners to connect with their target audience, strategic plans must be implemented and executed. Even more, e-commerce business owners must have some understanding of the Internet marketing infrastructure.
“With more than 31.4 million registered Web sites, it’s challenging trying to find that niche that connects e-commerce businesses with consumers’,” Fowler admits. He continues, “Until I studied eMarketing, I never thought using the Internet was that important.” After all, the Internet encompasses a world of knowledge that needs to be deciphered.
And while major corporations have e-commerce marketing budgets, small e-commerce businesses face the challenge of getting the word out about their Internet services and products, because, in many instances, they do not have marketing budgets. This is why e-commerce service providers like Positive Light are so valuable. Such enterprise evaluates an e-commerce business present situation and provides a SWOT analysis. In addition, more focus is geared towards implementing tactics, actions, and objectives that help e-commerce businesses succeed.
This is why, Positive Light is currently introducing a new approach in Internet marketing. The concept includes a traditional approach, but offers exclusive promotional campaigns highlighting the e-commerce Web site link in a reference directory.
This hardback book will envelop e-commerce banner ads, .jpg images, along with excerpts about the business. Fowler says, “Internet users may be search engine savvy, but one keyword search can call seven million Web sites: who has time to search through all of that data?”
Positive Light believes it has the time and expertise to connect e-commerce businesses with Web site viewers; and highly recommends e-commerce business owners to take an active role in this traditional marketing tool. In doing so, e-commerce businesses will gain the spot light needed to outsource their competitors.
To learn more about Positive Light log on to: ; there, you can find additional information about registering your e-commerce URL in Positive Light new Web site reference directory titled: The Best Web Site Links; expected to be on book store shelves and Internet bookstore like, in Jan. 2014.