Shiv Kumar Thakur was born and brought up in Raichur, Karnataka and is currently settled in Mumbai. An engineering graduate from Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur, he has made a career in the IT Industry, exploring as many places all over India as he could. He is very passionate about Cricket, being a keen player himself.
This is first time he is bringing his thoughts in to the book, fully inspired by his numerous interactions with the various individuals in every walk of life..!
You want a story and the book will tell you about one of the most popular advocates of the country who is over confident, believing that he can never be wrong. But suddenly in a case he finds himself in a totally wrong situation seeking justice for the wrong person.
To redeem his mistake he investigates deeply. Strangely during the investigation of the client, he wants to support, he realises many facts about himself, of which he was totally unaware..!!
Gradually he becomes unconditionally involved with this case. At last when he realises that the person he wants to support cannot be fully trusted, the story unfolds…. Where does he find himself….!?
Book: Price Tag on Love
Author: Shiv Kumar Thakur
ISBN: 978-93-82793-03-8
Price: Rs.300.00
Publishing Date: July 2013
Publisher: Power Publishers
Language: English