CAMPBELL, Calif. -- Investments are a fickle thing, but one piece of advice has weathered the tests of time more than nearly any other – invest in real estate. Despite the downturn in real estate, this advice is still frequently heard in investment conversations the world over. The one hurdle that usually blocks those wishing to invest in real estate is financing. A real estate investment property can be a huge outset of capital, and puts owning a real estate investment out of reach for many potential home buyers. Now that problem is solved.
Bay Area Equity Group, a Campbell, CA real estate investment company, has partnered with an undisclosed angel investment firm to offer financing at a 65% loan to value ratio. These loans are free, and come with no loan points or fees. There is no credit check, no asset documentation, and these loans are available for use by individuals, limited liability companies, and self-directed IRA’s. Early payback bonuses of 3% are an additional feature that will be offered with these loans. These new financing loans will effectively increase the return on investment by an estimated 10%, and lower the initial outset of capital to approximately $10,000 on a real estate investment property offered by Bay Area Equity Group.
Excited at the opportunities these loans present to the clients of his firm, CEO Antranik Kabajouzian stated “These loans are really a game changer. These loans put the possibility of owning an investment home within the reach of many more potential investors than previously possible. These investors would have never had the ability to own an investment home, or they may have had to go about their real estate investments in a more conservative manner than what this current market boom dictates.”
While the number of loan applicants will be limited during its beta testing phase, Bay Area Equity Group is looking forward to expanding the availability of this unique financing opportunity to all its clients following success during the limited beta.
Further information on obtaining one of these financing loans can be found by contacting the offices of Bay Area Equity Group at 408-369-9244.