Alpharetta - Self-publishing isn't quite the panacea many writers thought it would be. Many authors turned to self-publishing for the higher royalties and creative control of their work. Many authors found the traditional publishing route long, and archaic without taking advantage of the progress technology has done for the industry. Self-publishing seemed so much easier, and faster.
Unfortunately, a lot of these writers found out it was difficult learning how to be a publisher. You have a lot to think about - proofreading, layout, cover design, ISBN acquisition, marketing, distribution, designing a website and social media. Then, who has time to write?
Firebrand Publishing was started on the premise that writers are writers and publishers are publishers. That doesn't mean they can't work together.
You can be a self-published author and receive the benefits of maintaining control of your work while still letting the experts do what they do best. Why spend your time learning a new skill that will just take you away from doing the work you enjoy doing the most?
Firebrand Publishing CEO Gregory Cancryn put it this way:
“As authors know, it’s nearly impossible to make the effort necessary to write your book, publish it, promote yourself and your book, and do all necessary follow up during the marketing and sales process. Firebrand is here to help you accomplish all of the publishing and marketing aspects of selling your book. This allows you to do what you want. Write your next book or sequel."
What Firebrand Publishing Does For Self-Publishing Authors
Writers can become self-published authors through Firebrand Publishing and receive the following services in one of the company's four unique publishing packages:
E-book conversion
ISBN acquisition
Book formatting
Editing and proofreading services
Cover design
Worldwide distribution
Print publishing
Website design
Book trailer production
Newsletter services
Virtual book tour management
Social media marketing
Independent reviews
And much more
Through the Firebrand Publishing Author Portal, writers can see the entire publishing process as it takes place and follow the development of their book from beginning to published.
Making Publishing A Piece Of Cake
E-books are outselling print books. They've become the writer's best opportunity for success. Yet, print books still sell. As self-publisher, you keep 100% of the royalties. With Firebrand Publishing, you can let publishing and marketing experts take care of the details while you write your next book.
Firebrand Publishing offers a full and comprehensive money back guarantee. If you aren't satisfied with the service, they'll refund all of your money.