WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Humanities Council of Washington, DC, in partnership with THEARC, is looking for artists and performers for The Arts and Humanities Festival at St. Elizabeth's! The Arts and Humanities Festival at St. Elizabeth's is gearing up to be a celebration of the culture, creativity and community of the Ward 8 neighborhoods and the expansion of the East Campus of St. Elizabeth's. Artists and performers from all disciplines, including storytellers, exhibition artists, singers, bands, rappers, workshop artists, historians, actors, dancers, drummers, a musicians are asked to apply to be a part of this family-friendly Festival.
The festival kicks off on Saturday, July 27th and will continue 8/17, 8/18, and 8/24. The hours on each of these days are from 11AM-4PM. All artists are required to show up, ready to perform no later than one hour before their scheduled appearance. Because this Festival is a celebration of the arts in Ward 8, artists who are currently residing in Ward 8 will be given preference. Artists who reside in other Wards are encouraged to apply! This festival is supported by a grant from the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development. The priority deadline for submissions is Friday, July 12th at 5pm.
Interested artists and prospective talent should apply online by clicking here (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1oFxhOlN0Ps_BTypjQ8YEtvHp...).
Please direct specific questions to: Soyini George, Festival Director
The Humanities Council of Washington, DC
email: festivaldirector@wdchumanities.org.