Kelly Jones was thrilled with the response he has received after launching his new alternative health review website recently. After struggling to find any detailed and complete reviews of alternative health products online, he decided to do the research himself and publish his findings online for all to see.
“The vast majority of people simply don’t know where to find detailed reviews online, and often they are inaccurate of missing crucial details. I was frustrated by how difficult it can be to find information on important alternative health treatments, so I decided to do the research and find the answers for myself. The website saves people a lot of time, and it seems I’m not the only one who wanted these reviews – the response so far only confirms that.” says Jones.
Jones reports that his website, was launched only a few weeks ago, but it has already been flooded with new visitors who are keen to hear what he has to say on alternative health topics.
“It isn’t because I’m providing special information, it’s just that people struggle to find the facts about products like this online. By providing all the information in one place, I’m helping people make an informed decision about whether this is something that can help them or not – and people seem to really appreciate me taking the time to provide these details to them.”
Due to the recent increase in traffic, Jones has been forced to upgrade his servers to keep up with the demand. He is now using an unlimited bandwidth policy to make sure his web pages are available to all.