A German born resident of Japan, Regina Glei writes fantasy, science fiction, and the occasional horror story in English. After the release of her contemporary fantasy novella “Lord of Water” by Dark Quest Books and her two indie-published novels “Dome Child” (soft SF) and “She Should Have Called Him Siegfried” (urban fantasy), Big Pulp has now released her fantasy short “The Wolpertinger” in their LGBT themed anthology “Clones, Fairies & Monsters in the Closet”.
“‘The Wolpertinger’ is set in the Bavarian backwaters and is a fun take on tradition vs. modern times, legends vs. truth, and coming out,” says Regina. “Recently Fantasy and Science Fiction are often dark and rather depressing. It does not always have to be that way and with this story I tried to lighten things up a bit. And of course, as a German, and having lived in Bavaria for ten years, I had to one day write about Wolpertingers. Who and what they are? – You’ll find out if you read the story.”
About Regina Glei:
Regina Glei was born in Germany but nourished a fascination with the Far East ever since she was a little girl. A graduate in Japanese Studies, she has resided and worked in Japan for more than ten years.
Living far away from her home country has been a powerful influence on her fiction, which she describes as speculative and sometimes weird.
“Clones, Fairies & Monsters in the Closet”, an LGBT themed fantasy, SF and horror anthology of 255 pages, is available at:
Amazon US: www.amazon.com/Clones-Fairies-Monsters-Closet-ebook/dp/B0...
Or in print from Big Pulp: https://www.facebook.com/bigpulp/app_251458316228
Regina’s homepage: http://www.juka-productions.com