Customer service is an integral part of any organisation and it is critical to help staff improve their skills in this area. Research shows that, most often, the reason customers get upset or stop buying from a company is not the product or service they obtained, but how the company’s customer service personnel treated them and responded to their concerns and questions.
In this advanced course on customer services, delegates get a chance to go through numerous examples in a variety of settings that help them to understand why certain interactions don’t work. They will then participate in interactive exercises to better understand what went wrong in each interaction so they can improve it. The course will then guide them through a number of established guidelines and principles that help improve communication skills leading to better customer care. Examples of improved conversations are provided to help delegates understand exactly how to transfer any given guideline to a real-world situation.
The package contains everything you need to run this course including workbook, exercises, trainer script, trainer guide, slides, handouts, various training forms and other related training resources.
You can find more about Advanced Customer Care here:
You can also find more information on all training materials and services from the website: