HARROW, U.K. -- BankTree Personal Finance software (www.banktree.co.uk) allows statements to be downloaded from online banks and other financial institutions, which will then be automatically categorised showing actual, spend against budgeted expenditure. Manual transaction entry, recurring transactions, investments management, stocks, and share downloads are also provided. Bank statements will be easily reconcilable, and graphical reports and charts produced show how your finances are doing.
BankTree Personal Finance software is available for £24.50 with free support.
Our software contains the following features:
Recording income and expenditure
Balancing accounts
Checking cleared funds
Scheduling payments and expenditure
Allocating account transactions
Adding attachments to transactions
Tagging keywords to transactions
Investment and portfolio management
Importing/Exporting records from online banks and other sources
Reporting with multiple currencies
Loan and mortgage calculators
Currency and stock rates
BankTree ® Software Limited, headquartered in London, England, is a technology solutions company that has developed personal finance and accounting software for the consumer to consumer market. The software download is a Microsoft Windows™ desktop application that allows money management at the user’s desktop with a clean and easy to use interface in a secure environment.
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