AHMEDABAD, India -- we are now pleased to announce the launch of RC-CSV for virtuemart 2.x.
You can import/export:
- Category structure
- Products. This includes child products too!
- Custom Attributes and their assignments !
RC-CSV is now available in Android
Keep updating your web store on the go!
In today's world of mobile computing, we are pleased to announce mobile app(Android) for RC-CSV which can be accessed from your Android phone!
Click below to download RC-CSV for your Android mobiles: from Google Play in below link:
As usual, all our products come with free installation and operational support. Please do not hesitate to direct your questions/suggestions at support@raincreatives.com
Please visit and rate RC CSV for VirtueMart 2.x at below link:
Keep updating your web store on the go!
In today's world of mobile computing, we are pleased to announce mobile app(Android) for RC-CSV which can be accessed from your Android phone!